WHO health worker killed in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

WHO health worker killed in Yambio, Western Equatoria State, South Sudan

Juba, 29 August 2016 - Two unidentified gunmen killed Mr Benty Rubben Mangbondo, a World Health Organization (WHO) health worker, in Yambio, South Sudan on 17 August.

The attack took place on Wednesday, 17 August 2016, at around 21:00, at Mr Mangbondo’s home in Tindoka residential area, Yambio. The motive behind the incident is unknown but police confirmed they are investigating the case. 

Mr Mangbondo worked for WHO as a field assistant since 2009. He was responsible for ensuring effective polio surveillance, planning and conducting polio supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) and also coordinating routine immunization activities. His loss means that WHO will no longer be able to work with partners with in the payam as well as liaising with community informants not only Polio activities but also issues related to health emergency, until another person is hired. Mr Mangbondo was also a father of seven children. 

Despite the South Sudanese crisis which erupted in December 2013, the western part of Equatoria remained peaceful until recently

This attack further demonstrates that insecurity continues to hamper health services in South Sudan where some 1.6 million people are displaced by conflict.

“WHO condemns this attack on our health workers. Health services are a pivotal part of all humanitarian work, and we will continue to work tirelessly to provide this basic right to the most vulnerable people in South Sudan,” said Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO Representative to South Sudan. “Regardless of whether this was an intentional attack on health or for some other reason, this sets back WHO’s work in South Sudan, and, more sadly, has devastated a family that no longer has a father.”

The WHO Regional Director for Africa, Dr Matshidiso Moeti expressed her sorrow to the sad, tragic news while extending condolences to Mr. Mangbondo’s family and the entire WHO country team. She called for the murderers to be apprehended and brought to justice.


For more information, please contact:

Dr Abdulmumini Usman, WHO South Sudan Country Representative, Mobile: +211953333842, Email:  abdulmuminiu [at] who.int
Ms Jemila M. Ebrahim, Communication Officer, Mobile: +254780959582,  Email:  ebrahimj [at] who.int